Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Format

Got tired of the old format, so I decided to change it. Hope you like it.


Lynda/Mom said...

I like it. I'm tired of mine, too, but don't have the energy to find out how to make it better. How lazy can you get?? Hope you have had a good day.

Austin's Mommy said...

Very nice format, Dad. I do like the picture a lot. And it's a very nice shot of you. Funny furry comment on my blog, by the way.

Barbara said...

I'm like Lynda. I appreciate the changes in background and format, but don't have the energy myself to find alternatives and make the change. I like yours--very nice.

Joanne said...

Great picture! Would love to have a charming home with running water and indoor plumbing (and a microwave and ...) just down the road and stroll by this old home with the lovely scenery! Did you take this picture?

Jenny R said...

Love it! :)