It has been quite a while since I posted anything. I started to post an old letter that I found among Grandpa Wilkinson's things from William Wilkinson last week. I am not sure how he is related. I wanted to post a transcript with it but I found that my eyesight is not as good as it used to be and I couldn't get it all transcribed in a reasonable time so I will post it anyway and maybe we can make it a group effort. Anyone who is interested can add to what I have. This is what I have so far.
Old England
Cawthorpe, Novr 15, 1853
My Dear Brother, Sisters, Nephews, and Nieces,
With great pleasure I have again written a few lines to inform you that I received your kind and welcome letter of the 22nd of September and myself and family were very glad to hear of you and yours being thankfully well and we hope this will find you all still in the enjoyment of good health. I feel truly thankful to our Heavenly Father for his preserving care over me and mine to the present moment of time and that through His mercy I am ___________ to say we are all in good health for the present. And I think I shall not be wrong in saying all our relatives are tolerably well. I have not heard anything to the contrary lately. I was over at Birmingham and .........