Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yea for YAG Laser Capsulotomy

After my cataract surgery, my vision deteriorated till it was very annoying. The doctor said that I had posterior capsule clouding, a common complication of cataract surgery. They can never get all the old lens cells out and sometimes some of them start to grow on the back of the lens capsule that is left in place to help hold the new lens. The treatment is to zap the capsule with a laser to basically destroy the back part where the cells are growing. It takes about 2 minutes and is basically painless. They do it in the doctor's office and there is no recovery or drops, etc. In actuality, the eye is irritated because of a contact lens they stick on it with a gel during the procedure,

so it is uncomfortable and waters for some time afterward. Small price to pay for much improved vision. I can now see much better again.

I don't know how to insert a video from YOU-tube or if that is legal or possible but the next post has a link to one that shows the procedure for those interested.

1 comment:

Lynda/Mom said...

Glad you got that taken care of. Onward and upward--I'll forgo the view of the procedure and just be happy for you it was available and successful.