Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Holidays are always times to get things done that were put off during the press of daily life. I finally got the ice maker fixed in our refrigerator, just in time for fall and winter. Oh well, hopefully it will still be working for next summer. Now for Monday I have to work on finishing touches for the bathroom, cleaning up the construction mess, and miscellaneous errands.

At my last follow-up for cataract surgery, we talked about scheduling the other eye. For some reason the insurance will now pay for the other eye. Friday the 8th is available, but i don't want to take time off from school so soon after the start of the year, so I will probably schedule it during Thanksgiving break. He is doing surgery that Monday and Tuesday is available for the 24 hr follow-up visit.


Jocelyn Robertson said...

I'm so glad do have a three day weekend, too. I have quite the list of procrastinated projects that I'm going to be working on tomorrow. From organizing my closet to washing my car. Somehow it's hard every year to get used to doing my chores in the evening and on Saturday after going back to school. I always feel like Labor Day is my day to finally get caught up after a few weeks of being back at work.

Good luck with the bathroom and your projects.

Lynda/Mom said...

I wish my eyesight would be fixed; it doesn't seem I have cataracts, so I don't know if it will ever be better. I guess Carol Ann hardly needs to wear glasses now. Oh, well. I'm glad you got stuff done. I have too many projects in too many places and I never seem to make any progress.